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...God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Cor. 9:7
Food Needs/
Donate Food
Donate food for Beulah's Food Pantry.
And help pack food supplies for families in need.
Contact Alex for more info or for food support.
Prayer Concern?
Message us anytime!
We will partner with you in prayer and praise.
Email us at
Need counsel?
Wish to speak to the Pastor?
Our Pastor is honored to walk with you and direct you to the right care for you.
Email our Pastor anytime.
Slideshow from our most recent Haiti trip
The Wellers
Malawi Partnership
Beulah supports numerous mission agencies financially through its general budget and with special offerings or hands-on support. We encourage you to visit the websites of these agencies to learn more about them or check out our mission agency flyer!
Support Ministries
If you are in need of food, here are some very helpful, local resources for you.
Click here and here.
Alzheimer's Caregiver Support Group
The Alzheimers' Caregivers Support group meets on the second Monday of each month to share experiences in caring for a loved one or friend who is suffering some sort of Dementia. We also learn about the disease which affects a rapidly growing number of older people. Education and support are important tools when dealing with Alzheimer's Disease. We welcome anyone who is interested in getting in touch with others who are dealing with the problem.
Prayer Shawl
Over 500 prayer shawls have been created to comfort those experiencing grief, illness, and other overwhelming issues in their lives, or the lives of loved ones. Prayer Shawl Ministry has also donated scarves of comfort to a shelter for abused women and their families. This ministry is available to members of our congregation and others.
The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 10 am in the Fireside Room, but if you are interested in creating them at home, you are welcome to contribute. All needle work enthusiasts are invited to join us.